Cascadia Center for Arts & Crafts (CCAC) offers “Arts Cabins” studio spaces as connectors for traditional and modern arts and crafts. We strive to be your community arts hub on the mountain where nature is the ideal inspiration.
CCAC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts charitable organization. Donations are deductible to the extent the law allows. You will receive a Donor Acknowledgement Letter for your tax records. PayPal secures transactions using any major credit card, or your PayPal account. We gladly accept check donations payable to “Cascadia Center for Arts and Crafts.” Send to PO Box 75, Rhododendron, OR 97049.
Your donation helps–
- Studio improvements for traditional and modern art classes.
- Expanded program offerings and accessibility.
- General operations and capital improvements.
If you are a resident of Oregon; make your donation go further for cultural efforts in the state by visiting: http://www.culturaltrust.org/. This will allow you to claim your cultural tax credit. The Oregon Cultural Trust website has further details.